Homemade Sweet Chilli Sauce
A fun thing to do, as a homemade Christmas gift or to eat yourself.

Clean the Jalapeno peppers, cut off the top and slice in half. If you like a hot sauce leave the seeds, or if you prefer a milder sauce, remove the seeds.
Put all the ingredients (apart from the corn flour) into a large enough sauce pan and using a hand blender (or kitchen machine and then put it into a pan) blend everything until you have a smooth kind of soup.
Heat the mixture and boil for around 3 - 5 minutes.
Make a paste by combining the corn flour with water and slowly add this to the chilli 'soup', this will now thicken the sauce, the more corn flour you add, the thicker and goopier it will become.
Use a funnel to pour into sterilised bottles (see nasturtium capers recipe for sterilising tips) and screw the lid on while the sauce is still hot.
This recipe makes approximately 1 litre of sweet chilli sauce.
Leave for a few weeks before eating. This sweet chilli sauce can be kept for up to a year in a cool, dry place.