Penne with seasonal veggies and egg
A complete meal with penne for carbohydrates, plenty of seasonal vegetables for vitamins and egg for protein. Colourful, easy and healthy!

Start by boiling the wholegrain penne (of gluten free pasta) following the instructions on the bag.
Drain and put aside. In the same pan with new water, hard boil the eggs.
While waiting for the pasta to cook and (later) for the eggs to boil:
preparing the vegetables:
- grate the carrot
- grate or finely chop the radishes or white turnips (these are sometimes called swedes in Scotland)
- remove the seeds from the bell pepper and slice finely
- roughly chop the tomatoes
- cut the chives with scissors
and mix all these lovely seasonal vegetables together in a large salad bowl.
To make the dressing:
combine all ingredients and put in an empty jam jar, tighten the lid and shake vigorously until you have a smooth dressing.
Add the cooked pasta to the vegetables, stir well and add the dressing and mix thoroughly together. Leave to cool.
Peel and quarter the eggs.
Serve the pasta with the quartered eggs on top.