Venison has less environmental impact than beef or pork, but make sure you get wild venison. This should be available from a farmer's market or a good butcher. You could also use pheasant sausages instead.

Pasta with lentils and sausages
Pasta with lentils and sausages


Boil the lentils in plenty water for around 25 minutes and drain.

Cut the venison sausages in pieces. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the sausages for around 5 minutes. Add the chopped onion and dried oregano (or if you are using fresh oregano; add later on). Fry for another 5 minutes. Add the pasta sauce and after 5 minutes add the French beans. Cook for around 10 more minutes. Add the cooked lentils to the pasta sauce.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta following the instructions on the packet and drain. Add to the pasta sauce and toss and if using fresh oregano, now is the time to add.

Ready to serve!

NOTE: check the labels of the sausages for any dairy ingredients!





  • 75 g dark speckled lentils
  • 1 onion, peeled and chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 120 g spelt fusilli
  • 130 g venison sausages
  • 175 g pasta sauce
  • 200 g French beans, topped/tailed in chunks
  • 1 tsp dried oregano, or 1 tbsp fresh