By creating a water feature you are actively supporting wildlife and the best thing is, it doesn't need to be a large pond, it can also be a washing up bowl!

Build a (mini) pond
Build a (mini) pond

How to build a pond:

  • locate where you want your pond
  • start digging a large hole and include various depths, so the centre is the deepest part and you slowly work your way up to medium depths and shallow depths.
  • put a thick layer of builder's sand in the pond, or you can use old carpets. This is to protect the pond liner from tearing on sharp stones.
  • lay down the pond liner
  • fill the pond with water, it's best to use rainwater
  • leave for 1 - 2 weeks before adding native water plants.

Full (and more comprehensive) instructions can be found on this useful website:

How to build a mini pond:

  • All sorts of bowls can be used, but aim for at least washing up bowl size
  • locate where you want your mini pond
  • either dig a hole into the ground and put the pond in the hole, back filling soil to the edges OR place the bowl on top of the ground, making sure to build a ramp or put some stones or bricks to a side so creatures can move in and out.
  • put some stones of various sizes in the mini pond
  • let rain fill it up with water
  • plant a few native water plants.

Full (and more comprehensive) instructions can be found on this useful website: